
Merger Photo


HDR Photo


Merger Photo Preview

In some of her "people" there are some gray pixels that cover her body. I'm assuming that those pixels are part of the fence background that overlapped her pose. This could be a problem that I need to avoid. It would be fun to take this type of picture on the theater stage. When I take my photo, I would like to spell out the word FRIENDS (like the show). To take this photo I would  where normal clothes so they aren't distracting in the frame.

HDR Photography

To create an HDR image, you have to take several separate images with different adjustments in aperture and shutter speed. To create this type of image, you need a camera, a tripod, and HDR software. Someone might take an HDR image to make an everyday scene out-of-the-ordinary, or to simply create a high-definition, high-contrast work of art. HDR photos add an interesting and dynamic take on normal photos because of the high contrast lighting and bright colors. When we merge multiple photos together, we might see more details than what we can see in just the light or just the dark photo. We might also see some blur as the light is captured over a span of time.



Final Exam Planning

I am going to shoot one of my brother's soccer games this weekend. I will tell the story of the game from beginning to end including both teams, coaches, and fans. I'll use my camera with my zoom lens to better capture the action going on on the field. I am going to take video of some of the game play as well as fans reactions. I plan on using the video of a certain person after a still photo of that person. That way I mix in both, and everything flows. For narration, I will most likely use it at the warmup, halftime, and end portions of the game to provide a summary of what is going on. I might or might not add exciting music to make it like a one of those videos on tv that they play before a big match. If I could get this video to be as much like a highlight reel as possible, that would one fantastic. *I would love to do stop motion sequencing*